Ella wants to remind everyone that our "gay day" at the Kitsap County Fair is Friday. Trust me, you don't want to mess with Ella, the scariest beauty contestant...no.....drag queen......no, scare crow at the fair!
Let's revise the plan a bit....there are tables set up near the main stage and the hypnosis show starts at 5:00. Eric and I will try to grab a table before the show for anybody who would like to join us for a bite to eat.
We'll meet around 6:30 in front of the stadium for the Tough Enough To Wear Pink Rodeo, which starts at 7:00. Be sure to wear pink to help fight breat cancer.
The details are here on OutWestSound.
Be sure to wish Eric all the best on his pile of ribbons for his baked goods! He'll love you if you can tell him what he won for!
If you'd like to send me email and I'll send you our cell phone number so you can track us down....