Monday, July 30, 2007

A Fun Evening of Bocce Ball

The picnic and bocce ball on Monday evening was a great success! It was a beautiful evening to enjoy some food around a table made from a huge boulder with friends, and the bocce ball close with a final score of 16 to 8. The red team of Marcie, Kel, Eric, Blair and Zaq beat the blue team of Hans, Stan, Ryan, Jay and your truly. Michael came to watch for a bit and Hanna would have loved to play, but she had a hard time picking up the balls in her mouth. Besides, she had more fun in the fountains! Eric's Rice Krispy treats were enjoyed by all.

We'll do it again soon....

Preliminary Fair Survey Results

A total of 28 people have taken the survey about having a gay day at the Kitsap County Fair in August. Twenty-three indicate that they would like to attend and get together.

The preliminary results look like Friday, August 24th will be the day. The survey, preliminary results and fair information may be found here. Please take the survey if you'd like to join the crowd and we'll solidify the schedule a week or two before the fair so that everybody can plan ahead.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Bocce Ball and Picnic Monday in Bremerton's New Waterfront Park

boc·ce or boc·ci or boc·cie (bŏch'ē)

A game of Italian origin similar to lawn bowling that is played with wooden balls on a long narrow court covered with fine gravel.

[Italian bocce, pl. of boccia, ball.]

Join us Monday evening at 7:00 PM for an impromptu picnic and bocce ball in Bremerton's new Waterfront Park. The fountains are really cool and the view of the ferry and water looking over towards Port Orchard is impressive. There are many tables and benches, and the fountains make great wading pools for kids of all ages.

Bring a picnic, check out the park and have some fun playing bocce ball. It was a fun game at Pride and can be played by almost anyone. Up to eight people can play at once on teams.

The Waterfront Park is between the ferry terminal and shipyard. We'll be at the far end of the park, nearest the water where there is a nice grass area. Be careful where you park as the parking enforcement officers are very enthusiastic. If you're coming from Port Orchard, the foot ferry will be a convenient way to get to the park...but watch the time to be on the last boat at 8:45.

Believe it or not, the barren strip shown here to the left of the ferry is the Waterfront Park! Below is a picture I took there on Friday afternoon.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

It's Mini Golf Time Again on Thursday

Come and grab a colorful ball and join us for the fun at mini golf this Thursday at 7:00 PM. We've had groups of around 8 people the last couple times but there's always room for more. Usually, we go to Dairy Queen afterwards for some socializing. The details are here.

Visit the OutWestSound web page to keep up with all the events in the area.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Stuff on the Web Page

There is a new section on the web page called Friends. In this section we'll share special events and interests of friends to our community. Our first friend is Stan Hess, whom you may have seen helping out at many OUTKitsap events. When he's not busy volunteering for our community, he's the curator of the Aurora Valentinetti Puppet Museum in downtown Bremerton. Plan on stopping by the museum the next time you're in downtown Bremerton.

Our second group of friends are the Slaughter County Roller Vixens. You probably saw them at Kitsap Pride 2007 and some of the area parades and festivals. Let me assure you, the Roller Vixens make better Friends than enemies!

See the Friends link on the left side of the web page.

OUTKitsap Business Guide Booklet
The long-awaited Business Guide Booklet is posted on the OutWestSound web page courtesy of OUTKitsap. Check on the guide to find local businesses.

Tuesday Bowling Update
The turnout in Port Orchard for Tuesday bowling has been fantastic. About 25 people have come the last three weeks - not everyone bowls, some just come to socialize. Join the fun! Details.

Red Star Early Warning
Next Friday is the first Friday of the month which means it's Red Star party time! Find the details under Upcoming Events.

Monday, July 23, 2007

And The Winners Are.....

We had some great prizes for some of the Pride Celebration events. Thank you all who participated and congratulations to the winners.

Last week at mini golf, Jay won a pizza for having the low score. Ryan won a pass for two to the Red Star after-Pride party for the first hole-in-one of the evening. Blair, coming in last, won a pass for a free round of mini golf so he can get some practice! A great time was had by all.

Participants in the games area at the Pride Celebration were entered in a drawing for a pizza. Our winners are Chris J. and Wade. Congratulations to each of you.

A special thanks to Rob at Pizza Hut for donating the pizzas, and the the Red Star gang for the passes. The mini golf pass was donated by the organizer of the event (that would be your cranky OWS moderator).

A Word About The Wiki

Having the Wiki completely open to all for adding and editing comments hasn't been completely successful. You'll have to create an account to edit pages, but it's pretty simple to do on the Wiki page. Sorry this slight complication is needed.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Successful Pride Celebration!

Kitsap Pride 2007

The day was stormy and the crowds light, but Kitsap Pride Alliance and the many involved organizations and individuals put on a fantastic Kitsap 2007 Pride Celebration! A special thanks to all of you who didn't let a few clouds scare you off. The little rain didn't dampen spirits much, at least until it was time to pack up...this was the only significant rain of the entire day.

The OutWestSound Wiki

Another addition has been made to the OutWestSound web page - a Wiki. For those of you not familiar with a Wiki, it's a set of web pages where anybody can make changes and add to the content. I'd like the Wiki to contain our community's corporate knowledge, by which I mean our collective knowledge of what it takes to put on a successful event here. The first page with much information is about the Pride Celebration and the games area. We had a games area with croquet, volleyball and bocce ball but not many people played because we didn't get the word out soon enough and the weather kept the turnout down. You can add your comments about how we can improve things and what you'd like to see. We can build on the unique experiences we've all had.

I've also added Wiki pages about the monthly bar nights/dances that have been going on for many years in various formats and for Friday Feast/bingo. This is your chance to share what you've liked in the past and what you'd like to see in the future.

Using a Wiki is a new experience for many of us, but it's pretty simple. If you'd like to add or even change something on a Wiki page, click on EDIT, make the changes or additions and click on SAVE. Yes, anybody can make changes but I ask people to be civil and recognize that there are different viewpoints. Please consider making a comment about alternatives rather than changing something you don't agree with. Call this an experiment - we'll see if we can all work and play well with others! Click here for Wiki.

Gay Day at the Fair?

The survey is still open about going to the Kitsap County Fair and Stampede as a group. So far, Friday or Saturday evening is the top choice and most people want to go the the Tough Enough To Wear Pink Rodeo on Friday. Surprisingly, with 24 people having answered the survey so far, not one has said they want to go see the senior tap dancers in action! Please take the survey and make your desires known and we'll put together a schedule based on the results.

Friday, July 20, 2007

It's Kitsap Pride 2007

It's Pride weekend with lots of events going on.


Artie and Paul (of Tuesday bowling fame) invite everybody to see Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat tonight at CSTOCK. Starring and directed by some of our own. Details.


Pride Celebration in Evergreen Park in Bremerton. Entertainment, exhibits, fun and games! Bring a blanket or some chairs and stay a while. This year, there will be croquet, volley ball and even bocce ball with some great prizes! Don't let the gray clouds keep you away. Noon to 5 PM. Details.

After-Pride Red Star Party. Celebrate Pride at a special Red Star Party. 9 PM at G-Style Knights. Details.


KUUF Pride Service, 10 AM. Join this welcoming congregation. Details.

Hangover Brunch. Finish the Pride Celebration at this Red Star event. Augustino's at Evergreen Park. Noon. Reservations recommended. Details.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Kick Off Pride with Mini Golf on Thursday Night

Start off the Pride weekend with a special round of Coulrophobia-Free Mini Golf Thursday evening at the Timber Falls course off Waaga Way near Silverdale. There will be great prizes to kick off Pride, including a Pizza donated by Pizza Hut in East Bremerton, a pair of Free Admissions to the Red Star post-Pride party and a free round of mini-golf.

Golf starts at 7:00 and costs $6. Since the weather is a bit iffy, check with Eric and Jon at 206-661-6683 if the rain is coming down hard, but a few sprinkles won't hurt...just ask Homer :)


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Welcome to the Improved OutWestSound Web Page!

I've revamped the OutWestSound web page to give it a consistent look and to allow for painless updates to the News and Announcements section. By its very nature, this section is constantly changing to keep up with events; using a blog makes this process quick and easy.

A list of events occurring over the next week or two may be seen by clicking on the Upcoming Events button above this section. A longer range view of events and meetings may be found under the Calendars section to the left. Clicking on the title of any of these blog entries will take you to the OutWestSound blog, where you can see an archive of postings. I should note that the blog link to web site page only updates about every six hours, so the web page may be missing breaking events.

Have a look around the web page and let me know if there are additions you'd like to see. I am but your humble servant both here and in the OutWestSound forum and I'm happy to make additions.

Please let me know if there are events that should be on the calendar. I've included things I know about but I'm sure the list is incomplete. Events listed on the calendar should be of interest to our community but not necessarily limited to GLBTQ events. If the calendar becomes too crowded, the following priorities will apply:
  1. GLBTQ events (in this area)
  2. Events featuring members of the GLBTQ community
  3. General events of interest to our community

Any and all events may be posted to the OutWestSound forum without restriction other than being of interest to our community.

Oh, by the way, this space is for rent - if you have something that needs more than a passing post in the OutWestSound forum, let me know!

Monday, July 16, 2007

PFLAG and OUTKitsap in Bainbridge Island's 4th of July Parade

OWS Congratulates PFLAG and OUTKitsap for an excellent presence in the Fourth of July Parade on Bainbridge Island. The large Pride flag, carried by 8 people, was met with cheers along the entire parade route. See some pictures from the parade here. This was a moving experience for everyone involved.

Kitsap Pride Week 2007 - Events This Week

This week is a busy one leading up to the Pride Celebration on Saturday in Bremerton's Evergreen Park.

For more information about the following events, check the listings on the Upcoming Events page.

The Human Rights Campaign's Legacy of Service - A National Tour Against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' is Wednesday night in Seattle. I understand this is a powerful presentation with service members telling their own stories about how this policy has impacted them.

Equal Rights Washington's Domestic Partner Law Forum is being presented in Seattle on Wednesday night and in Tacoma on Thursday night. Learn how the new law may affect you, and things you need to know before you sign up. Reservations are required and space is limited.

Thursday evening is our regularly scheduled (first and third Thursday) Mini Golf match at the course on Waaga Way in Silverdale. We'll have some special prizes for Pride so I hope you'll all join in the fun. See details here.

Pride events include the Pride Celebration from noon - 5 PM in Evergreen Park followed by a special Red Star Party at 9:00 PM. Sunday morning starts with a Pride Service at KUUF. A very special Pride Hangover Brunch will be held at Agustino's, sponsored by the Red Star crew. Reservations are recommended. For details on Pride Events, click here. Be sure to check out the posters created for Pride.

Kitsap Pride will be hosting some games at the Pride Celebration. Games include croquet and volley ball, open to all ages. You won't want to miss croquetRapide with some great prizes for completing the circuit the fastest.

By the way, if you have a volley ball net we could use for Pride, let me know.

Thanks for reading this first blog entry for OutWestSound. I suspect that most people will view it through the web page rather than on the blog. It gives us a handy way to present topical information and provides an archive. This space is open to announce your important news and events. If you have something of interest to the community, let me know.

OWS Moderator