Kitsap Pride 2007
The day was stormy and the crowds light, but Kitsap Pride Alliance and the many involved organizations and individuals put on a fantastic Kitsap 2007 Pride Celebration! A special thanks to all of you who didn't let a few clouds scare you off. The little rain didn't dampen spirits much, at least until it was time to pack up...this was the only significant rain of the entire day.
The OutWestSound Wiki
Another addition has been made to the OutWestSound web page - a Wiki. For those of you not familiar with a Wiki, it's a set of web pages where anybody can make changes and add to the content. I'd like the Wiki to contain our community's corporate knowledge, by which I mean our collective knowledge of what it takes to put on a successful event here. The first page with much information is about the Pride Celebration and the games area. We had a games area with croquet, volleyball and bocce ball but not many people played because we didn't get the word out soon enough and the weather kept the turnout down. You can add your comments about how we can improve things and what you'd like to see. We can build on the unique experiences we've all had.
I've also added Wiki pages about the monthly bar nights/dances that have been going on for many years in various formats and for Friday Feast/bingo. This is your chance to share what you've liked in the past and what you'd like to see in the future.
Using a Wiki is a new experience for many of us, but it's pretty simple. If you'd like to add or even change something on a Wiki page, click on EDIT, make the changes or additions and click on SAVE. Yes, anybody can make changes but I ask people to be civil and recognize that there are different viewpoints. Please consider making a comment about alternatives rather than changing something you don't agree with. Call this an experiment - we'll see if we can all work and play well with others! Click here for Wiki.
Gay Day at the Fair?
The survey is still open about going to the Kitsap County Fair and Stampede as a group. So far, Friday or Saturday evening is the top choice and most people want to go the the Tough Enough To Wear Pink Rodeo on Friday. Surprisingly, with 24 people having answered the survey so far, not one has said they want to go see the senior tap dancers in action! Please take the survey and make your desires known and we'll put together a schedule based on the results.