A list of events occurring over the next week or two may be seen by clicking on the Upcoming Events button above this section. A longer range view of events and meetings may be found under the Calendars section to the left. Clicking on the title of any of these blog entries will take you to the OutWestSound blog, where you can see an archive of postings. I should note that the blog link to web site page only updates about every six hours, so the web page may be missing breaking events.
Have a look around the web page and let me know if there are additions you'd like to see. I am but your humble servant both here and in the OutWestSound forum and I'm happy to make additions.
Please let me know if there are events that should be on the calendar. I've included things I know about but I'm sure the list is incomplete. Events listed on the calendar should be of interest to our community but not necessarily limited to GLBTQ events. If the calendar becomes too crowded, the following priorities will apply:
- GLBTQ events (in this area)
- Events featuring members of the GLBTQ community
- General events of interest to our community
Any and all events may be posted to the OutWestSound forum without restriction other than being of interest to our community.
Oh, by the way, this space is for rent - if you have something that needs more than a passing post in the OutWestSound forum, let me know!